The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is the nation's core program for delivering energy efficiency services to low-income households. The program determines which energy efficiency measures are appropriate, emphasizing the most cost-effective measures and those which are essential for the health and safety of the occupants.
Weatherization services are delivered to single family homes, multi-family dwellings, and mobile homes. Services are prioritized to the elderly, persons with disabilities, and families with children.
Typical weatherization includes installing insulation, weatherizing doors and windows, furnace efficiency test, sealing up air leaks, and replacing incandescent lighting with compact fluorescent bulbs. Our crew also addresses energy-related health and safety conditions, particularly carbon monoxide and combustion safety. The first step in the process is an energy audit, a computerized assessment of your home's energy use that is carried out by professional energy auditors. The Weatherization Program has trained and experienced staff that perform work year-round on houses. Mobile homes are not weatherized in the winter months.
Other services provided may include:
- Diagnostic testing to ensure efficiency and safety of home
- Check and install insulation in attics, walls, floors, and foundations
- Make minor repairs to ensure health and safety
- Ensure windows and doors are energy efficient
- Dryer Vents
- Test furnace for safety and efficiency
- Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
- Install ventilation
- Discuss energy conservation recommendations
- Referral to other agencies, if needed
LIHEAP Guidelines
Eligibility is based on a household's income and assets to ensure help goes to those most in need. A household's income must be at or below 60 percent of North Dakota's median income and within these limits.
For more information on the LIHEAP program eligibility, please visit the North Dakota Department of Human Services website.
Where Do I Start?
Applications for Weatherization and other required forms can be found here. Homeowners and renters may apply.