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How to Celebrate Earth Day Year-Round

We only have one planet, and the way we live and interact with it shapes the future of our world. April 22 is known as Earth Day around the globe, where millions come together to raise awareness and do good deeds to help protect our planet. 

Although the day has come and gone, the necessity to focus on saving our Earth is an ongoing need. Check out these ways you can continue to celebrate Earth Day year-round and help keep our planet beautiful for years and generations to come. 


Reduce Waste

Wastefulness can add up quickly without us even realizing the impact we’re making. Consider how small actions can add up to big changes over time. You can take some small steps to reduce waste by doing things such as:

  • Conserve water when you can, like turning off the faucet as you brush your teeth and turning it back on only to rinse. 
  • Use reusable bags when you go shopping to avoid plastic bags that will simply end up in the trash.
  • Buy a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic bottled water, where the plastic will end up in the landfill.
  • Go digital with your statements. Paper often ends up in the trash and requires trees being cut down.
  • Buy food that uses less packaging, and use all of the food you can versus tossing food that’s still good!


Plant Greens

Billions of trees are cut down every year to make room for housing and to create products such as paper, plywood and more. Earth Day may have come and gone, but there’s another holiday dedicated to trees coming up this Friday—Arbor Day! Arbor Day is a national holiday dedicated to planting more trees. Get a group of friends together to help plant trees in your community.


Reduce Emissions

Carpool. Take public transportation. Bike or walk to your destination. Emissions are a contributing factor to global warming, and by driving your vehicle less, you have the opportunity to make a huge difference for our planet!


Shop Local

Local stores, farmers and gardeners are much more likely to make a smaller footprint producing the goods you buy versus big box stores. Plus, this helps stimulate your local economy. Local stores or farmers don’t have to travel far to get the food to you, helping to reduce air pollution and carbon emission.


In order to preserve our beautiful planet, it’s going to take work from everybody. Encourage your family and friends to join you so that we can preserve the place we call home! Remember—small actions add up to huge change. Everybody has the power to make an impact.